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PAWS Humane Society

Mahatma Gandhi quote
Support the shelter
Donate Online
Gift Shop
Wish List

There are many ways you can get involved with the Humane Society in your community and show your support towards those who are dedicated to preventing neglect, abuse and cruelty towards unwanted or abandoned animals. There are far too many wonderful animals disregarded and cast out to fend for themselves every year to just sit back and watch it happen. Support isn’t limited to just donating money.  We’d like to list just a few other things you can do that we could think of.

Do you have any other ideas?
Contact us!

Jeff Nordman

Attend the public meetings

The Humane Society holds board meetings at the Charles City Hall with an open invite for anyone in the community to attend. You can find out when the next one is scheduled by checking our news and events.  We welcome you to come and provide some valuable feedback or sit in and listen to the discussions taking place, but most of all, come show your support by just attending.  If you have any advice or suggestions on how we can better serve the community and the animals within it - we’d love to hear your thoughts!

Sponsor bake sales

Do you have a talent for making delectable goodies that are the envy of your neighborhood?  Church or school orientated bake sales are a great way to generate a few extra dollars for the Humane Society while meeting and enjoying the company of members of your community.

Participate in fund raisers

Whether it’s a fund raiser sponsored by the Humane Society that you’d like to participate in or assist with, or private event whose proceeds could be donated, any effort you can put forth would be greatly appreciated! Volunteering in a number of capacities is one of the easiest ways to help us out.  The animals really like it too!

Help educate the community, spread the word

Until we, as a society, educate ourselves and others in the ways of responsible pet ownership and humane treatment of animals who cannot speak for themselves, pet overpopulation and abuse will always exist.  By simply purchasing a T-shirt or sweatshirt from our Gift shop and wearing it around town helps people become aware about the Humane Society and our mission.  Are you a teacher looking for a special project for your students? How about one on humane societies?

And the list goes on and on...

If you have any additional ideas or suggestions on how you could help the Humane Society please let us know!

© Copyright 2002 - PAWS Humane Society.  All rights reserved.
303 Shaw Avenue - Charles City, IA - 50616

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