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PAWS Humane Society

Mahatma Gandhi quote
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About us About us

The PAWS Humane Society is a nonprofit organization acting as a regional sanctuary for the needs of animals and the community at large in areas served by the society. We are dedicated to preventing neglect, abuse and cruelty towards unwanted or abandoned animals. We strive to encourage humane care and treatment for the animals we shelter and see that their interests and well-being are humanely protected by an aware and caring society.

Some of the animals in our shelter are stray.  Others are unwanted and have been abandoned, while still perfect in all the important ways.  Many have been cast aside by their owners.  Some owners didn’t have enough time.  Some had to move. Some dogs were surrendered because they barked too much, others because they didn’t bark enough.

The one thing all these animals have in common is that each is hoping for you to bring them home and give them a loving new family. We hope you will help us help them.

Our History

For many years, Floyd County has operated under a state certified shelter. Lost dogs and cats would be picked up and if the rightful owners did not claim their animals within seven days, the animals would be destroyed. Countless healthy and beautiful animals would never get a second chance. The public sought change and fortunately our city agreed. Hence, the PAWS (Pets Are Worth Saving) Humane Society was incorporated July, 2000. We rely on financial support from private donations, fund raisers, contractual services, adoption fees, and a portion of tax dollars to operate.

The city allowed us to take over the existing animal control building as our new shelter. This building now provides two functions: an animal control facility where animals will await their owners and a humane society where unclaimed, lost, unwanted, or mistreated animals are guaranteed a chance at adoption and a loving home.

Euthanasia Policy

We proudly claim ourselves as a “no kill” facility for every adoptable dog or cat. The term “adoptable” is defined as any animal not too ill, injured, or aggressive that would pose a risk to public safety.  It is the intent of our organization to use euthanasia only in instances where no other options remain.  An elected committee has been designated to issue decisions regarding such actions.

Our goal is to find a loving home for every animal under our care. A high priority is given to find innovative, creative, compassionate, community solutions to the problems that face us with too many animals and too few homes. We are dedicated to our name because we believe ALL PETS ARE WORTH SAVING!


We generate means to support the community and the animals within it through various means. As a nonprofit organization, funding is generated by public events and fund raisers, private contributions, contractual services, and adoption fees.  Without the help and donations of members of the community we would be unable to fulfill our mission. We function not only as a humane society but also as animal control for the city.  In light of this, the city of Charles City has granted us a portion of tax dollars for budget support.

“You make a living by what you earn. You make a life by what you give.”  -  Winston Churchill

© Copyright 2002-2004 - PAWS Humane Society. All rights reserved.
303 Shaw Avenue - Charles City, IA - 50616

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